
How to unmarshal POST params and JSON body in a single route?

I have this route:

val routes =
    pathPrefix("api") {
      path("ElevationService" / DoubleNumber / DoubleNumber) { (long, lat) =>
        post {
          requestContext =>
            println(long, lat)

This works nicely, I can call my ElevationService as:


The problem is, I also want to parse the body sent to me in the request as JSON. It looks as follows:

  "first": "test",
  "second": 0.50

I've managed to get it to work in a separate route following the documentation on the entity directive:

path("test") {
   import scrive.actors.ScriveJsonProtocol
   import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
   post {
      entity(as[ScriveRequest]) { scrive =>

But I don't know how to merge these two routes into one. Since they're wrapped in functions, I can't call the params long, lat from within the entity function, they doesn't exist in that scope I suppose. The same goes or the other way around.

I want to be able to access both my params and my POST body, and then call a service passing all the data:

val elevationService = actorRefFactory.actorOf(Props(new ElevationService(requestContext)))
elevationService ! ElevationService.Process(long, lat, bodyParams)


  • You can just nest the directives:

     path("ElevationService" / DoubleNumber / DoubleNumber) { (long, lat) =>
       post {
         entity(as[ScriveRequest]) { scrive =>
           onSuccess( elevationService ? ElevationService.Process(long, lat, bodyParams) ) {
             actorReply =>

    You can also use & to combine two directives more directly:

    (path("ElevationService" / DoubleNumber / DoubleNumber) & entity(as[ScriveRequest])) {
      (long, lat, scriveRequest) => ...