
Xamarin Linker stipping out static class properties?

In VS 2013, Xamarin Forms.

Our Android & IOS app has a static class:

public static class CacheKeys
    public static string RememberMeEmail = "RememberMeEmail";
    public static string RememberMeSwitch = "RememberMeSwitch";

This class is stripped by the linker in the iOS device debug build, but not in the simulator or Android.

See attached screenshot.

I have set the Debug Linker for iPhone to Do Not Link, yet this static class is removed.


enter image description here


  • You can set a preserve attribute to your class: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/linker/ See the section: Preserving Code


        public static class LinkerPreserve
            static LinkerPreserve()
                throw new Exception(typeof(SQLitePersistentBlobCache).FullName);
        public class PreserveAttribute : Attribute