I have a custom NSScrollView
with elasticity turned on in both orientations. Currently I just get a black (ugly) background when I scroll/bounce into this elastic section. How do I control what gets drawn into this section?
For a start, I would just want to be able to set the background colour of this section to a specific colour.
Things I have tried that do NOT seem to work:
NSScrollView.wantsLayer = true
and then choosing an appropriate CGColor
=> also no effectNSScrollView
that fills it vertically and horizontally (even tried overfilling by using negative leading spaces) => no effectNSClipView
as suggested in a comment below => no effectWell if at first you don't succeed (and nobody has answered your question on SO yet)...
What worked is to add a subview to the NSClipView (not the NSScrollView) constraining it to be adjacent to the documentView where the elasticity is arising. That's all...