
504 Gateway Timeout - Two EC2 instances with load balancer

This might be the impossible issue. I've tried everything. I feel like there's a guy at a switchboard somewhere, twirling his mustache.

The problem:

I have Amazon EC2 running an application. It functions without issue when there is only one instance and no load balancer.

But in my production environment I have two identical instances running behind one load-balancer and when performing certain tasks, like a feature that generates a PDF and attaches it to an email, nothing happens at all, and when using Google Developer tools with the Network tab I get the error "504 Gateway Timeout" once the timeout hits (I have it set at 30 seconds).

My Database is external, on Amazon RDS.

I think.... If I could force a client to stay connected to their initial server they logged in at, this problem would be solved, because it's my understanding that the 504 Gateway Timeout is happening when instance-1 tries to reach out to instance-2 to perform the task.

This happens ONLY WHEN using Load Balancing, but never when connecting straight to one of my two servers.

Load Balancer Settings:

Some more ideas:

That being said, I'm not testing with HTTPS, but normal HTTP instead. I'm not convinced SSL is setup properly even though my certificate provider said it is. The reason I'm suspicious is that when I try to key in I get the error "(failed) net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED" in Google Developer Tools, in the Network tab. But this should be non-applicable because I'm having the problem even using regular HTTP. I can troubleshoot SSL later.

So to reiterate, my problem is having the "504 Gateway Timeout" problem when using some functions, but also occasionally at random instead of loading the page (but rarely). This 504 problem happens ONLY WHEN using Load Balancing, but never when connecting straight to one of my two instances.

I don't know which question to ask, because I've Followed every document to the T, double and triple checked all suggestions all over the web and NOTHING.


  • In my case, it turns out that there was no problem with the load balancer. The final solution ending up being Ubuntu's hosts file in which there was an inexplicable entry to route traffic from some mystery IP to my application's host name. So, during the process of creating the PDF, paths were getting re-written by the PDF generator to point at the mystery server, and hence the Gateway timeout issues. I have no idea why it was occasionally working and not failing. localhost ubuntu-server

    This is what it looked like, so I removed that third line and all the gears started turning again. :P