
The purpose of "Content-available" in Push Notification Json?

The purpose is to send push notification with only badge value & nothing else (no banner).

I integrated parse sdk to test push notification & send this push notification

"alert" :"",
"badge" :"787",
"Content-available" : "1",
"sound" : ""

So the push notification got send when app is in background, foreground & when app is killed. The purpose to wipe some data on arrival of push notification with badge valve 78 got succeeded. I send same notification with "Content-available" : "1" removed but everything worked fine as earlier.

My understanding on "Content-available" was that putting it's value to 1 will allow push notification with no alert value.

So I am confused or I am missing something to know the meaning of "Content-available" in this push notification JSon.



  • If you provide this key with a value of 1, (if user opens you app is in background or resumed) the application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: will be called.

    According to RemoteNotifications Programming content-available definition is

    Provide this key with a value of 1 to indicate that new content is available. Including this key and value means that when your app is launched in the background or resumed, application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: is called.

    (Newsstand apps are guaranteed to be able to receive at least one push with this key per 24-hour window.)