Currently I'm evaluating Apache Crunch. I followed a simple WordCount MapReduce job example: Afterwards I try to save the results into a standalone HBase. HBase is running (checked with jps and HBase shell) as described here:
Now I adopt the example for writing into HBase:
Pipeline pipeline = new MRPipeline(WordCount.class,getConf());
PCollection<String> lines = pipeline.readTextFile(inputPath);
PTable<String,Long> counts = noStopWords.count();
pipeline.write(counts, new HBaseTarget("wordCountOutTable");
PipelineResult result = pipeline.done();
I get an Exception: "exception:java.lang.illegalArgumentException: HBaseTarget only supports Put and Delete"
Any clues what went wrong?
PTable might be a PCollection, but HBaseTarget can only handle Put or Delete objects. So you have to convert the PTable to a PCollection where every element of the collection is either a Put or a Delete. Have a look at the Crunch-Examples where this is done.
An example convert could look like this:
public PCollection<Put> createPut(final PTable<String, String> counts) {
return counts.parallelDo("Convert to puts", new DoFn<Pair<String, String>, Put>() {
public void process(final Pair<String, String> input, final Emitter<Put> emitter) {
Put put;
// input.first is used as row key
put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(input.first()));
// the value (input.second) is added with its family and qualifier
put.add(COLUMN_FAMILY_TARGET, COLUMN_QUALIFIER_TARGET_TEXT, Bytes.toBytes(input.second()));
}, Writables.writables(Put.class));