
Jekyll Sorting as a string, should be a date

I am using Jekyll in conjunction with Prose and have set up an extra bit of meta data called pub_date.

In prose this is set up as a text field (datetime fields are not yet supported)

The user enters something like 2015-01-23 for pub_date, I can take this value and run it through the date method to output the date correctly (for example {{ post.pub_date | date: "%b %-d, %Y"}} works)

When I attempt to do a sort these values however they are treated as a string;

{% assign sorted_posts = (paginator.posts | sort: 'pub_date', 'first') %}

Is there a better way I should be sorting this collection? Or is there anything I can do to force the value to act like a date?

I am using github pages to host the solution, so we can't do anything custom with Jekyll unfortunately.


  • I got errors when using a quoted string as the argument to sort. comparison of Jekyll::Post with Jekyll::Post failed

    Instead, using the following worked.

    {% assign sorted_posts = paginator.posts | sort: :pub_date | reversed %}
    {% assign latest_post = sorted_posts | last %}
    <!-- do something with latest post -->
    {% for post in sorted_posts reversed %}
    {% if forloop.first %}<!-- discard the first post -->{% else %}
    <!-- iterate over posts -->
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    Not 100% sure why we need to call reverse twice, but it works.