I don't know what happened, but barcode39.php class is just not working anymore. If You follow the link http://eventstar.hu/api/code39/BARCODE-123456789101 , You can see that there's a broken image link, however, the image was generated directly to the browser by the PHP class with the correct headers (image/gif). If you view the source (type "view-source:" before the URL in Chrome), You can see that the image data was here, starting wih GIF...
The code was not too complex. page_attr[1] is the end of the URL, in this case : BARCODE-123456789101. The following snippet was wrapped inside if($page_attr[0]=="code39"), but it's irrelevant, because it's true.
$bc = new Barcode39($page_attr[1]);
$bc->barcode_text_size = 2;
$bc->barcode_bar_thick = 2;
$bc->barcode_bar_thin = 1;
$bc->barcode_use_dynamic_width = false;
$bc->barcode_width = 300;
$bc->barcode_padding = 7;
Can a PHP update cause the problem? Or something is wrong with my code? I don't touch these files weeks ago, hovewer the barcode generator doesn't work anymore... Any suggestions?
Finally, someone pointed out that the encoding of the PHP file itself can cause problems. So everyone facing this problem, make sure You saved the file in UTF-8 without BOM!