I'm trying to pass the variables data from php1.php to php2.php. this is what I'm trying to do:
I'm using php to load a xml(not validated with feedvalidator.org) from a url, and then to pass the variables data to another php2.php(this one creates a json file). I'm not using the php function to convert xml to json because I'm changing the structure. Both files work great separately : php1.php load correctly the xml and php2.php creates the json structure i want, my problem is : i can't pass the variables data from php1.php to php2.php. I've already tried this: PHP - Passing variables from one page to another and How to pass variables from one php page to another without form? and i haven't been able to get the code working.
I'm trying to pass : $lbd, $title, $guid, $author, $description
this is my code :
$html = "";
$url = "http://www.conciencia.net/rss.aspx";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
$channel_title = $xml->channel->title;
$channel_link = $xml->channel->link;
$managingEditor = $xml->channel->managingEditor;
$channel_description = $xml->channel->description;
$lbd = $xml->channel->lastBuildDate;
$html .= "<br/>$channel_title";
$html .= "<br/>$channel_link";
$html .= "<br/>$managingEditor";
$html .= "<br/>$lbd";
$html .= "<br/>$channel_description";
for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++){
$pubDate = $xml->channel->item[$i]->pubDate;
$title = $xml->channel->item[$i]->title;
$link = $xml->channel->item[$i]->link;
$guid = $xml->channel->item[$i]->guid;
$author = $xml->channel->item[$i]->author;
$description = $xml->channel->item[$i]->description;
$html .= "<br/>$pubDate";
$html .= "<a href='$link'><h3>$title</h3></a>";
$html .= "$link";
$html .= "<br/>$guid";
$html .= "<br/>$author";
$html .= "<br/>$description";
echo $html;
$feeds['conciencia'] = array(
'channel' => array(
'title' =>"Un Mensaje a la Conciencia", 'link' =>"www.conciencia.net", 'managingEditor' =>"Hermano Pablo y Carlos Rey", 'description' => "Populares programas de 4 minutos que comienzan con una anécdota o historia y terminan con una aplicación moral y espiritual. Se han transmitido de lunes a sábado durante más de 40 años. Actualmente se difunden más de 4 mil veces al día en 30 países en la radio, la televisión y la prensa, y ahora via Internet en Conciencia.net.", 'lastBuildDate' => "$lbd", 'language' => "es-ES", 'copyright' => "\u00a9 2015 Asociaci\u00f3n Hermano Pablo", 'item' => array(
'title' => "$title", 'link' => "$link", 'guid' => "$guid", 'author' => "$author", 'description' => "$description", 'enclosure' => array(
array( '@attributes' => array( 'url' =>"$url", 'length' => "$length", 'type' => "$type")
echo json_encode($feeds);
Add session_start(); at the beginning of each file, before echoing anything. Then at the end of file 1, add this:
$_SESSION['lbd'] = $lbd;
$_SESSION['title'] = $title;
$_SESSION['guid'] = $guid;
$_SESSION['author'] = $author;
$_SESSION['description'] = $description;
and then, in the second one, add:
$lbd = $_SESSION['lbd'];
$title = $_SESSION['title'];
$guid = $_SESSION['guid'];
$author = $_SESSION['author'];
$description = $_SESSION['description'];
The variables should be available now.