Specifically, I'm saving a file upload to local file in a Lift web app.
If it's a text file, and you want to limit yourself to Scala and Java, then using scala.io.Source
to do the reading is probably the fastest--it's not built in, but easy to write:
def inputToFile(is: java.io.InputStream, f: java.io.File) {
val in = scala.io.Source.fromInputStream(is)
val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(f)
try { in.getLines().foreach(out.println(_)) }
finally { out.close }
But if you need other libraries anyway, you can make your life even easier by using them (as Michel illustrates).
(P.S.--in Scala 2.7, getLines
should not have a ()
after it.)
(P.P.S.--in old versions of Scala, getLines
did not remove the newline, so you need to print
instead of println