
Implementing `make check` or `make test`

How can I implement a simple regression test framework with Make? (I’m using GNU Make, if that matters.)

My current makefile looks something like this (edited for simplicity):

OBJS = jscheme.o utility.o model.o read.o eval.o print.o

%.o : %.c jscheme.h
    gcc -c -o $@ $<

jscheme : $(OBJS)
    gcc -o $@ $(OBJS)

.PHONY : clean

clean :
    -rm -f jscheme $(OBJS)

I’d like to have a set of regression tests, e.g., expr.in testing a “good” expression & unrecognized.in testing a “bad” one, with expr.cmp & unrecognized.cmp being the expected output for each. Manual testing would look like this:

$ jscheme < expr.in > expr.out 2>&1
$ jscheme < unrecognized.in > unrecognized.out 2>&1
$ diff -q expr.out expr.cmp # identical
$ diff -q unrecognized.out unrecognized.cmp
Files unrecognized.out and unrecognized.cmp differ

I thought to add a set of rules to the makefile looking something like this:

TESTS = expr.test unrecognized.test

.PHONY test $(TESTS)

test : $(TESTS)

%.test : jscheme %.in %.cmp
    jscheme < [something.in] > [something.out] 2>&1
    diff -q [something.out] [something.cmp]

My questions:
• What do I put in the [something] placeholders?
• Is there a way to replace the message from diff with a message saying, “Test expr failed”?


  • Your original approach, as stated in the question, is best. Each of your tests is in the form of a pair of expected inputs and outputs. Make is quite capable of iterating through these and running the tests; there is no need to use a shell for loop. In fact, by doing this you are losing the opportunity to run your tests in parallel, and are creating extra work for yourself in order to clean up temp files (which are not needed).

    Here's a solution (using bc as an example):

    SHELL := /bin/bash
    all-tests := $(addsuffix .test, $(basename $(wildcard *.test-in)))
    .PHONY : test all %.test
    BC := /usr/bin/bc
    test : $(all-tests)
    %.test : %.test-in %.test-cmp $(BC)
        @$(BC) <$< 2>&1 | diff -q $(word 2, $?) - >/dev/null || \
        (echo "Test $@ failed" && exit 1)
    all : test 
        @echo "Success, all tests passed."

    The solution directly addresses your original questions:

    We avoid enumerating each test manually when defining the all-tests variable by leveraging the file naming convention (*.test-in) and the GNU make functions for file names. As a bonus this means the solution scales to tens of thousands of tests out of the box, as the length of variables is unlimited in GNU make. This is better than the shell based solution which will fall over once you hit the operating system command line limit.