I started a new iOS project recently. I'd like to support also Android so I choose SpriteBuilder with newest cocos2d-iphone (cocos2d-swift).
I use CCClippingNode for clipping contents. It needs 24bit depth buffer and 8 bit stencil buffer, so I needed to add the following line to AppDelegate.m to application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
[cocos2dSetup setObject:@GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES forKey:CCSetupDepthFormat];
naturally this is only for iOS. According to logs it should work for Android without any additional code, as it logs the following lines on startup:
Later when I create CCClippingNode in code, it logs:
[CCClippingNode initWithStencil:]_block_invoke : Stencil buffer is not enabled; enable it by passing GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES into the depthFormat parrameter when initializing CCGLView. Until then, everything will be drawn without stencil.
It happens because the following line in CCClippingNode.m returns 0:
glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_BITS, &_stencilBits);
On iOS GL_STENCIL_BITS is 8 (after setting CCSetupDepthFormat to GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES). On Android it's 0.
What should I do to make it work also on Android?
I use SpriteBuilder 1.4.0-beta.3 and Cocos2D-Swift version 3.4.1-develop
I found out where was the problem, so I'll answer my own question :)
The whole problem was in misleading logs. We need to modify function setupView: in Platforms/Android/CCGLView.m. CCGLView is logging EGL values before calling eglChooseConfig which sets depth and stencil size to 0.
Moving line
logConfig(_eglDisplay, _eglConfiguration);
eglChooseConfig(_eglDisplay, configAttribs, &_eglConfiguration, 1, &numConfigs)
will show the real values. With this modification the following lines will appear in logs:
So we have the real values in the log, all wee need is to set them. This can be done by adding the following two lines to structure configAttribs[]
(at the very beginning of function setupView:)
And CCClippingNode suddenly starts to clip contents on Android too
NOTE: Only configAttribs[]
structure needs to be enhanced by the mentioned two lines. The other changes are needed only when you need the real EGL values in the log for some other reason.