
Understanding the <system_error> facility in C++11

I am trying to use the system_error facility to handle errors in a library of mine. I am going to briefly discuss the structure of the library in case you find it helpful: The namespace of the library is called commons and under this I have another namespace called dynlib. dynlib contains classes that are responsible for loading .so/.dll files:

namespace commons {
    namespace dynlib {
        class DynLibLoader {

The errors that may occur in the DynLibLoader are LibraryFailedToLoad, LibraryFailedToUnload and SymbolNotFound. So my thoughts for handling the errors are the following: I will add a namespace error under the namespace dynlib. Then, under that namespace I will define one enum for std::error_codes and one enum for std::error_conditions. From my understanding the std::error_codes have to correspond to the value of errno (Linux) or GetLastError (Win32), and the std::error_conditions to values like LibraryFailedToLoad, SymbolNotFound etc. So, here are my questions:


  • The main distinction is that std::error_condition is portable (platform-independent) while std::error_code is platform-dependent. Typically, low-level platform-dependent code generates error_codes and the client code compares these error_codes to platform-independent error_conditions.

    19.5 [syserr] defines a long list of standard (and portable) error conditions (e.g. errc::no_such_file_or_directory) that are explicitly associated to specific values of errno (e.g. ENOENT). As a result, you do not need to know the complete list of possible values of errno or GetLastError() generated on your system. You only need to know the standard values relevant to your code. For instance, your library implementation could look like this:

    void MyLibraryClass::foo(std::error_code &ec)
        // whatever platform dependent operation that might set errno
        // possibly with alternative platform-dependent implementations
        ec = make_error_code(errno);

    Your client code would then check if the error_code matches any specific error_condition:

    error_code ec;
    if (!ec)
        // success
    else if (errc::no_such_file_or_directory == ec)
        // no_such_file_or_directory
        // unknown or unexpected error

    In your case, you would probably define your own enumeration of errors (only one enumeration) and tag it as error_conditions to enable automatic conversion:

    namespace commons
    namespace dynlib
        enum class errc {LibraryFailedToLoad=1, LibraryFailedToUnload, SymbolNotFound};
    namespace std
        template<> struct is_error_condition_enum<commons::dynlib::errc> : true_type {};
    // TODO: implement make_error_code and make_error_condition

    You could then translate the outcome of the various platform-dependent operations into the appropriate error_condition (or error_code if you prefer):

    void DynLibLoader::open(std::error_code &ec)
        // possibly implement the windows version here as well
        if (NULL == dlopen(filename, flag))
            ec = make_error_code(errc::LibraryFailedToLoad);

    Your client code would compare the error code to the possible error conditions, as above:

    error_code ec;
    if (!ec)
        // success
    else if (commons::dynlib::errc::LibraryFailedToLoad == ec)
        // Library Failed To Load
        // unknown or unexpected error

    Note that the enum commons::dynlib::errc::LibraryFailedToLoad is automatically converted to an error_condition (using the provided make_error_condition method) because commons::dynlib::errc is tagged with is_error_condition_enum.

    The mapping of error_category to the namespace is probably a personal preference, however it seems a bit artificial. In this specific case, it is true that it makes sense to have a category for the dynlib namespace but it would be easy to find examples where it would make sense to have categories spreading several namespaces. In some cases it might be meaningful and practical to have all your different error enums in a unique namespace (e.g. commons::errors).