
How can we implement loop constructs in genetic programming?

I've been playing around with genetic programming for some time and started wondering how to implement looping constructs.

In the case of for loops I can think of 3 parameters:

Now the tricky part is the expression because it generates the same value in every iteration unless counter is somehow injected into it. So I could allow the symbol for counter to be present in the expressions but then how do I prevent it from appearing outside of for loops?

Another problem is using the result of the expression. I could have a for loop which sums the results, another one that multiplies them together but that's limiting and doesn't seem right. I would like a general solution, not one for every operator.

So does anyone know a good method to implement loops in genetic programming?


  • Well, that's tricky. Genetic programming (the original Koza-style GP) is best suited for functional-style programming, i.e. there is no internal execution state and every node is a function that returns (and maybe takes) values, like lisp. That is a problem when the node is some loop - it is not clear what the node should return.

    You could also design your loop node as a binary node. One parameter is a boolean expression that will be called before every loop and if true is returned, the loop will be executed. The second parameter would be the loop expression.

    The problem you already mentioned, that there is no way of changing the loop expression. You can solve this by introducing a concept of some internal state or variables. But that leaves you with another problems like the need to define the number of variables. A variable can be realized e.g. by a tuple of functions - a setter (one argument, no return value, or it can return the argument) and getter (no arguments, returns the value of the variable).

    Regarding the way of handling the loop result processing, you could step from GP to strongly typed GP or STGP for short. It is essentialy a GP with types. Your loop could then be effectively a function that returns a list of values (e.g. numbers) and you could have other functions that take such lists and calculate other values...

    There is another GP algorithm (my favourite), called Grammatical Evolution (or GE) which uses context-free grammar to generate the programs. It can be used to encode type information like in STGP. You could also define the grammar in a way that classical c-like for and while loops can be generated. Some extensions to it, like Dynamically Defined Functions, could be used to implement variables dynamically.

    If there is anything unclear, just comment on the answer and I'll try to clarify it.