
How To Create a Flexible Plug-In Architecture?

A repeating theme in my development work has been the use of or creation of an in-house plug-in architecture. I've seen it approached many ways - configuration files (XML, .conf, and so on), inheritance frameworks, database information, libraries, and others. In my experience:

As I seek to learn from the various architectures I've worked with, I'm also looking to the community for suggestions. How have you implemented a SOLID plug-in architecture? What was your worst failure (or the worst failure you've seen)? What would you do if you were going to implement a new plug-in architecture? What SDK or open source project that you've worked with has the best example of a good architecture?

A few examples I've been finding on my own:

These examples seem to play to various language strengths. Is a good plugin architecture necessarily tied to the language? Is it best to use tools to create a plugin architecture, or to do it on one's own following models?


  • This is not an answer as much as a bunch of potentially useful remarks/examples.

    A few general points.