
How to import existing projects from another folder to workspace in Android studio

I want to import an existing android project into my workspace using Android Studio. I tried by the common method like File->Import project->Selected folder but the problem i am facing that the project is getting imported in to the same existing project whereas in eclipse i will be having an checkbox stating that Copy projects in to workspace(so that i can copy my projects easily by ticking the checkbox into my workspace). Since i am new to Android studio i couldn't able to trigger the hidden features to import and copy the projects in to workspace. Kindly help me by your valuable replies.

Note: currently i am copying the file from another location in to my workspace and then importing a project in to Android studio. But it is becoming tedious while handling multiple projects at a time


  • This is how usually to import projects to Android Studio desired workspace.

    Android Studio 1.0.2

    File ---> Import Project ---> (your current project folder) ---> Import Destination Directory (your workspace location) ---> Finish