
Range Based Fog in GLSL

I've found a number of posts stating that the fog fragment distance can easily be obtained using gl_Position.z or gl_FragCoord.z/gl_FragCoord.w.

The problem is this makes a boundary where the fog begins.

What I want to do is determine this distance based on player's position such that there is a radius of fog around the player.

For simplicity say I want fog to be interpolated based on a pixel's distance from (0, 0, 0) in world space. Only pixels within fog_end of this coordinate are visible.


  • After some more searching I found what I am referring to is called range based fog rather than plane based fog.

    I also had a problem with having to few vertexes for this to work properly. As such the distance calculation needs to be in the fragment shader.

    Some helpful details can be found here.