I am trying to create a messaging interface, that is similar to the iOS messaging app. The part I am struggling with is overriding inputAccessoryView (on the view controller) is having no effect for me.
If you look at the link below, it shows a brief potential solution, without going into specifics.
The following link explains my question better than I could: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/input-accessorizing-uiviewcontroller
Here is an example of some things I have tried:
override func canBecomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
return true
override var inputAccessoryView: UIView! {
return self.keyboardToolbar // Which is of type UIToolbar
// I have also tried creating a toolbar here and returning it instead of the above approach, with no luck
I have also seen this question on SO: Swift inputAccessoryView override bug That shows it working for the user... suffice to say i have not managed to get anything to show up on the screen at present.
What am i doing wrong? Does anyone have a working snippet i could try?
Turns out i was missing a:
Now everything shows up.