
Is OpenDJ, OpenAM and OpenIAM free software

What has been the experience of folks who have already been using OpenDJ and OpenAM? Older versions seem free to use but the new releases don't seem to be free for use. How do they compare to the existing commercial offerings? They look like a better option than using OpenLDAP with CAS but don't look free.


  • Below you can find answers depending on when this question was asked just for the sake of history.

    ANSWER AFTER April 3rd, 2017

    With the recent changes made to the business model here you can find the key details you will need to know:

    Short of an official announcement from ForgeRock, please have a look at this topic in the ForgeRock forum for more details.

    To summarize:

    The Open* products are still open source and freely available, however they are no longer being publicly developed by ForgeRock. Whether new community versions will be made available is yet unknown, but given the current example, each year the community would get access to an EOL'd version of the product..

    ANSWER BEFORE April 3rd, 2017

    Here are some facts about the projects and the licensing in general:

    $ curl -O -H "Cookie: fr_sso_sess_prod=AQIC5w..."

    Probably I should mention that I'm a ForgeRock employee, so take my comments as you please.

    Just to clarify: when you build trunk on your own, you do not have to buy subscription. Only ForgeRock enterprise builds should include the binary license. When building your own stuff, it is you who creates the binaries, hence you can simply decide to leave the binary license out of it.