
How can I embed the following VAST tag in a test page?

Let's say I've got a VAST ad tag for pre-roll large videos. When I enter the VAST url in the browser, The content of the VAST doc contains:

<MediaFile delivery="progressive" width="500" height="300"
  type="application/javascript" apiFramework="VPAID">

As you can see, the media file is of type .js and not really a media file (e.g. .mp4)

How can I embed this VAST tag in my test page?

I'm not sure that adding it to our player playlist will be a good solution since as I understand, the .js file itself contains a reference to a player


  • When setting up the JW Player with a VAST tag, you do it like this -

      file: 'assets/myVideo.mp4',
      primary: 'flash',
      advertising: {
        client: 'vast',
        tag: ''