
Asterisk Answer and Disconnect detection without Tenor gateway

I have configured Tenor Aft400 device on my company and i can detect call answering and disconnecting module in itself without any problem. But the problems comes where i have some analog lines and want to use them without any tenor device on my side.I'm looking for a code or configuration to simulate this tenor module in asterisk manually but i don't know how to start. Can anybody give me an approach to get to this goal ?


  • Asterisk not do line detect or anything instead of FXO device.

    That is device part.

    However it is posible detect something using tonedetect/silencedetect/noise detect, but it require special knoweledge and very high debug experience.

    Also possible create custom application based on Fourie Transorm (FFT libs) which will detect frequency of sound and detect condition that way.

    To simulate you can just record calls and use that in recognition soft.