I have an array joined with commas in a tooltip. However I want each one be on it's own line. I've tried a few things but none seem to be working. The code is a knockout observable to which I am new too.
Here is my ko observable:
this.campaignTagString = ko.observable("");
(function() {
if(data.campaignTags != undefined) {
var array = [];
for(var tag in data.campaignTags){
//Join our campaign tag name array
var tagString = array.join(", " + '<br />');
content: function(callback) {
callback($(this).prop('title').replace('|', '<br />'));
var textCampaign = "Campaigns: ";
o.campaignTagString(textCampaign + tagString);
I am calling it like so:
<span id="tooltip-campaigntags" class="label label-default label-mini" data-bind="html: '<i class=\'fa fa-tags\'></i> '+campaignTags().length, tooltip: { title: campaignTagString , placement: 'bottom' }" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" >
Any help would be great, thanks!
Some tips:
is an object, campaignTags().length
will not work; if it is an array, data.campaignTags[tag].name
will not work. {html: true}
if you want your content not to be encoded into text.campaignTags
.Below are the resulting JS viewModel and HTML binding if you follow these tips:
//params === object containing tag objects like -- tagX: {name: 'tag'}
function VM(params) {
var self = this;
this.campaignTags = params;
this.campaignTagsArray = ko.computed(function() {
var array = [];
for(var tag in self.campaignTags) {
return array;});
this.campaignTagString = ko.computed(function() {
return "Campaigns: <br>" +
self.campaignTagsArray().join(", " + '<br />'); });
this.html = ko.computed(function() {
return '<i class="fa fa-tags"></i> ' +
self.campaignTagsArray().length });
And the HTML binding:
<span class="label label-default label-mini" data-bind="
html: html(),
tooltip: { html: true, title: campaignTagString() , placement: 'bottom'}">
Check out the fiddle for a demo.