I'm working on a project that requires taking pictures and putting stickers on that photo. From what I understand this requires 3 main actions:
1. User should be able to resize the sticker.
2. User should be able to rotate the sticker.
3. And once done, the whole thing should be merged into a single image.
I'm having a really hard time starting this since I simply don't know where I should start. Should I find, or ever write my own code to do the above, or maybe try to use existing projects (but I was not able to find any open-source ones).
I've heard about Aviary, but it was recently purchased by Adobe, and it is now part of the Creative Cloud, which is quite vague regarding the price, if there is any.
Where should I start?
For Resizing the image add two buttons one for increasing the image size and the other for decreasing . Then in the set an onClickListener() for that buttons. Inside that function first get the dimensions of the image using getWidth() and getHeight() , then use setWidth() and setHeight() to change the size.
for Rotating the sticker refer this link
After all these things use a canvas to save the sticker and image as a single file . for doing this refer this link.
In future do not combine all your queries in a single question.