
debugInfoEnabled for Angular 1.2

Angular 1.3 introduced a new debugInfoEnabled() method that can provide a boost in performance if called with false in the application config function:

myApp.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {

Also, Angular 1.3 dropped IE8 support. And this is a problem for me, my application have to run on IE8. Hence, I cannot upgrade to angular 1.3 and have to live with 1.2.

Is there a way to achieve the same functionality with angular 1.2?

In particular, at least a part of what debugInfoEnabled() does:

As one possible option, I can fork the angularjs repository and backport the feature back to 1.2. Then, use the fork maintaining updates from the upstream.

Would appreciate any pointers.


  • Use the underlying DOM setAttribute method to prevent the default behavior. I've edited the plunker in the other answer:

    to do the following:

    Use it as follows:

    /* Clone the original */
    HTMLElement.prototype.ngSetAttribute = HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute;
    /* Override the API */
    HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute = function(foo, bar) {
    /* Define ng attributes */ 
    var nglist = {"ng-binding": true, "ng-scope":true,"ng-class":true,"ng-isolated-scope":true};
    /* Block ng attributes; otherwise call the clone */
    if (nglist[foo]) 
      return false; 
    else if (JSON.stringify(nglist).match(foo) )
      return false;
      return this.ngSetAttribute(foo, bar);

    Replace HTMLElement with Element for IE8.
