I created this method for my class
def time_stamp(time)
in IRB when I don't require, and enter the method and put
it returns: "07:57PM" which is what I want
in Sinatra, though I have created a new peep object:
@peep = Peep.new(:peep_timestamp => time_stamp(Time.now))
but when I go to rackup and look at my local it still has the time unformatted: 2015-01-17 19:15:23 +0000 (for example). I would like it to say "07:57PM" or whatever the current time is when I create my Peep object.
Even if I type
@peep6 = Peep.new(:peep_timestamp => "8:34PM")
it returns:
<Peep @id=nil @message=nil @peep_timestamp=2015-01-17 20:34:00 +0000>
My whole Peep class looks like:
class Peep
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :message, Text
property :peep_timestamp, Time
property :username, String
def time_stamp(time)
Thanks for sharing your class, the issue is that Peep is expecting a Time object but you're sending it a formatted string.
It be better practice to do this:
class Peep
include DataMapper::Resource
property :peep_timestamp, Time
def format_time
now you can still instantiate the class with:
@peep = Peep.new(peep_timestamp: Time.now)
and in your view call your helper method like so:
<%= @peep.format_time %>
You want your object to have a Time object, but for view purposes you can coerce it into any format you want, but you'll always have access to the full Time object should you need to change something in your view.