
Running code only for tests using Jasmine package

I am using the sanjo:jasmine and velocity:html-reporter packages in my app to try and implement some unit and integration testing. Using this tutorial as a guide, I have a few unit tests and a couple integration tests done. What I am not able to figure out is how to get code to run in the "test" environment that is not part of a unit test or integration test, but needs to run prior to the tests and only for the tests.

What I am trying to solve is that I need some dummy users created for testing, but I do not want them in my production app. Sort of like an "init" phase where you can build the mockups and insert any data you need. Is there a way to accomplish this?


  • I've been using mike:mocha and as long as your specs are written inside a folder called tests (and then client / server, respectively) then Velocity puts data in velocity specific collections. I run the same Meteor method I use to insert a document in my main app, but velocity knows to put it in the mirrored version.