I wish to use Tapjoy in my Adobe AIR iOS project. However I have no clue how to integrate it in my app. The documentation provided by them is very poor and difficult to understand. Following is what I have done till now :
1 . Added required ANE and swc to the project. 2. Added following imports in my code
import com.tapjoy.extensions.ITapjoyConnectRequestCallback;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TapjoyAIR;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TapjoyEvent;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TapjoyMacAddressOption;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TapjoyPointsEvent;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TapjoyTransition;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TapjoyViewChangedEvent;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TJEvent;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.ITJEventCallback;
import com.tapjoy.extensions.TJEventRequest;
Inside Constructor checked for the Platform
if (Capabilities.manufacturer.search("iOS") != -1)
// iOS platform
// If you are not using Tapjoy Managed currency, you would set your own user ID here.
// connectFlags["TJC_OPTION_USER_ID"] ="A_UNIQUE_USER_ID";
// You can also set your event segmentation parameters here.
// var segmentationParams:Object = { "iap": true }
// connectFlags["TJC_OPTION_SEGMENTATION_PARAMS"] = segmentationParams;
// Enable logging
connectFlags["TJC_OPTION_ENABLE_LOGGING"] = true;
// Pass option to toggle the collection of MAC address
connectFlags["TJC_OPTION_COLLECT_MAC_ADDRESS"] = TapjoyMacAddressOption.MacAddressOptionOffWithVersionCheck;
TapjoyAIR.requestTapjoyConnect("13b0ae6a-8516-4405-9dcf-fe4e526486b2", "XHdOwPa8de7p4aseeYP0", connectFlags);
//trace("" + connector);
// Android platform
// If you are not using Tapjoy Managed currency, you would set your own user ID here.
// connectFlags["user_id"] ="A_UNIQUE_USER_ID";
// You can also set your event segmentation parameters here.
// var segmentationParams:Object = { "iap": true }
// connectFlags["segmentation_params"] = segmentationParams;
// Enable logging
connectFlags["enable_logging"] = true;
TapjoyAIR.requestTapjoyConnect("bba49f11-b87f-4c0f-9632-21aa810dd6f1", "yiQIURFEeKm0zbOggubu", connectFlags);
//isAndroid = true;
Next I need to show theOfferWall if connection to Tapjoy has succeded. How do I do that?
Add listeners to the object (as defined in docs):
You must call requestTapjoyConnect before any other Tapjoy methods, ex:
extension = TapjoyAIR.getTapjoyConnectInstance();
Register an event listener for all the events you want to capture, ex:
extension.addEventListener(type, function, …);
You can find all Tapjoy AIR events defined in TapjoyEvent
, TapjoyDisplayAdEvent
and TapjoyPointsEvent