
What are the shortcomings of CFhttp tag over CUrl utility?

This is a conceptual question, but after goggling and searching through online resources, I cannot find an answer to this small question. Any help would be appreciated. Thanking in advance.

The question came up when I was using the eNOM API to perform multiple operations using the test account they provide.

Note: This is just an example Url. The password field here actually an 'api-key'.

The native coldfusion solution of using CFhttp has proved to be beneficial in terms of handling output data easily or passing headers and parameters to a RESTful API. The first question that arises was: does CFhttp encrypts the password fields as supported it CUrl and if not is there any way to implement it?. Secondly, I found this piece of text while reading about CUrl and CFHTTP:

cURL allows you to connect and communicate to many different types of servers with many different types of protocols. Using cURL you can.

  • Implement payment gateways’ payment notification scripts.
  • Download and upload files from remote servers.
  • Login to other websites and access members only sections.

So, are the points no. 1 & 2 possible using CFhttp? and if yes can I have a short idea on how to go about doing it.


  • Curl allows you to connect to any https site without having to install the 'required' certificate. Although some might call this insecure, i really like this feature. Besides this feature i do not believe there is much (if anything) you can do with curl which cannot be done with cfhttp somehow.

    If you work with https sites a lot curl is easier to work with then CFHTTP (imo).

    According to the coldfusion docs the cfhttp tag uses SSL to negotiate secure transactions. (reference

    Update: You can monitor if the data is sent encrypted or not using the build in proxy in coldfusion. See for more details.