How can I view the output of a system command. Ex:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
system("set PATH=%PATH%;C:/Program Files (x86)/myFolder/bin");
system("cd C:/thisfolder/");
return 0;
when I run the program in Visual Studio it give me a black screen and I cannot see the command being run. I need it so I can view whether it worked or not. Thanks!
Use popen
instead of system
. See example here
char psBuffer[128];
FILE *pPipe;
if( (pPipe = _popen( "set PATH=%PATH%;C:/Program Files (x86)/myFolder/bin", "rt" )) == NULL )
exit( 1 );
while(fgets(psBuffer, 128, pPipe)) {
if (feof( pPipe))
printf( "\nProcess returned %d\n", _pclose( pPipe ) );