I did see a bunch of other posts before asking this question. None seemed to have a definite solution.
I am running into a issue with ViewStub where I want to check if a ViewStub is inflated or not (visible or not). I have a bunch of other things to do based on that.
I am using two ViewStubs and a button in each ViewStub layout namely in layout/abc and layout/def will inflate the other ViewStub.
android:layout="@layout/abc" />
android:layout="@layout/def" />
The issue I am running into is that the ViewStub that is not inflated is not null while I expect it to be null.
Is there anything I am missing ?
So what I ended up doing was to setOnInflateListener (ViewStub.OnInflateListener inflateListener)
ViewStub stub1 = ((ViewStub)findViewById(KR.get(R.abc_stub)));
stub1.setOnInflateListener(new ViewStub.OnInflateListener{
public void onInflate(ViewStub paramViewStub, View paramView) {
// Set a class boolean if it was inflated
If the boolean is true stub1 is the screen that is up. Else its not.
Thanks to @pskink for the help.