In the django admin search bar if i had a model with a column = fruit_name and I wanted to search that column for all instances with either the fruit_name = banana or apple which would show all of the bananas and apples, how could I do that?
Override the ModelAdmin.get_search_results` method:
from operator import or_
from django.db.models import Q
class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_search_results(self, request, queryset, search_term):
queryset, use_distinct = super(MyAdmin, self).get_search_results(
request, queryset, search_term)
search_words = search_term.split()
if search_words:
q_objects = [Q(**{field + '__icontains': word})
for field in self.search_fields
for word in search_words]
queryset |= self.model.objects.filter(reduce(or_, q_objects))
return queryset, use_distinct