We are trying to make a switch statement which is parsing command line argument in a batch file.
mybatch.bat -a 10 -b name -c India --zipcode 20
Only -a
, -b
, -c
are parsing parameter (which is starts with -
Our code will be like:
for %%x in (%*) do (
switch(%%x) (
case a:
SET first_number=%arg%
case b:
SET name=%arg%
case c:
for %%x in (%*) do (
SET place =%place% %arg%
echo wrong parameter
Normally you try to keep things simple and have a set order for the parameters. To handle parameters in any, random order is a lot more effort than just knowing that %1 = number, %2 = name and %3 onwards = place.
That said, here's an attempt at a solution. I'm ignoring --params in the place section, just joining the values together.
@echo off
if x%1 equ x goto done
set param=%1
if %param:~0,1% equ - goto checkParam
echo Parameter error: %1
shift /1
goto loop
if "%1" equ "-a" goto A
if "%1" equ "-b" goto B
if "%1" equ "-c" goto C
goto paramError
shift /1
set first_number=%1
goto next
shift /1
set name=%1
goto next
set place=
shift /1
set param=%1
if not defined param goto donePlaces
if %param:~0,2% equ -- (
shift /1
goto processPlace
if %param:~0,1% equ - goto donePlaces
if x%1 neq x (
set place=%place% %1
goto GetPlaces
rem remove leading space
if defined place set place=%place:~1%
goto loop
echo num=%first_number% name=%name% place=%place%