This Perl script uploads an image to server and then saves: - a gallery image that fits in 900x900 px - a square gallery thumbnail 140x140 px - adds a line in a js file with the image and thumbnail names
The problem is, that the script sometimes works, sometimes - not. It works fine in one or two of every ten attempts. When it doesn't work, it usually returns "Internal Server Error" and doesn't create two files, nor adds a line in js. But in some cases it creates the both jpg files and doesn't add a line in js (again returning "Internal Server Error"). Very strange behavior - I've tried various changes with no result. What I do wrong?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw ( fatalsToBrowser );
use File::Basename;
use Image::Magick;
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 70000;
my $safe_filename_characters = "a-zA-Z0-9_.-";
my $pic_upload_dir="../data/photos/gallery";
my $lst_upload_dir="../data";
my $lst_file=$lst_upload_dir."/gallery.js";
my $query=new CGI;
my $PictureIndex=$query->param("Snd_AddPhoto_Idx");
my $photoname=$query->param("AddPhoto");
#upload photo
if ( !$photoname ) {
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
print "\n\nThere was a problem uploading your photo (try a smaller size).\n";
my ( $phname, $phpath, $phextension ) = fileparse ($photoname, qr/\.[^.]*/);
$photoname = $phname . $phextension;
$photoname =~ tr/ /_/;
$photoname =~ s/[^$safe_filename_characters]//g;
if ( $photoname =~ /^([$safe_filename_characters]+)$/ ) {
$photoname = $1;
else {
die "Filename contains invalid characters";
# force correct filename for temporary file
my $upload_photohandle = $query->upload("AddPhoto");
open ( UPLOADPHOTO, ">$pic_upload_dir/$photoname" ) or die "$!";
while ( <$upload_photohandle> ) {
# resize photo
my($photoimage) = Image::Magick->new;
open(PHOTOIMAGE, "$pic_upload_dir/$photoname") or die "Unable to open temporary image file!\n";
$photoimage->Resize(geometry=>'900x900', blur=>0.8);
# write ready photo as jpg
my $readyphotoname="pic".$PictureIndex.".jpg";
open(READYIMAGE, ">$pic_upload_dir/$readyphotoname") or die "Unable to write ready image file!\n";
$photoimage->Write(file=>\*READYIMAGE, filename=>$readyphotoname);
system("chmod 777 $pic_upload_dir/$readyphotoname");
# resize thumbnail
my($thumbimage) = Image::Magick->new;
open(THUMBIMAGE, "$pic_upload_dir/$photoname") or die "Unable to open temporary image file!\n";
$thumbimage->Resize(geometry=>'140x140^', blur=>0.8);
# write ready thumbnail as jpg
my $readythumbname="tbn".$PictureIndex.".jpg";
open(READYTHUMB, ">$pic_upload_dir/$readythumbname") or die "Unable to write ready image file!\n";
$thumbimage->Write(file=>\*READYTHUMB, filename=>$readythumbname);
system("chmod 777 $pic_upload_dir/$readythumbname");
# delete temporary file
unlink($temporary_file) == 0;
# add pic in js gallery list
# prepare new pic record
my $NewGalRecord="GalleryList.push(new Array(\"pic".$PictureIndex.".jpg\",\"tbn".$PictureIndex.".jpg\",\"\",\"\"));\n";
# add to file
open(JS,">>$lst_file") || die "Failed to open $lst_file\n";
printf JS $NewGalRecord;
close JS;
system("chmod 777 $lst_file");
# print confirmation
I think I've solved the problem. Obviously there's no need to read the temp file twice. After saving the 'big' image, we can continue manipulate it and then save again as thumbnail. Double reading of the temp file apparently causes conflict. Something like 'Sharing violation' - just a shot in the dark. But now the script works fine. Separately, far removed the rows Set(Quality=>). I don't know whether they have anything to do with the problem, but this will be subject to future testing. Here are the changes:
# resize photo
my($photoimage) = Image::Magick->new;
open(PHOTOIMAGE, "$pic_upload_dir/$photoname") or die "Unable to open temporary image file!\n";
$photoimage->Resize(geometry=>'900x900', blur=>0.8);
# write ready photo as jpg
my $readyphotoname="pic".$PictureIndex.".jpg";
open(READYIMAGE, ">$pic_upload_dir/$readyphotoname") or die "Unable to write ready image file!\n";
$photoimage->Write(file=>\*READYIMAGE, filename=>$readyphotoname);
system("chmod 777 $pic_upload_dir/$readyphotoname");
# resize thumbnail
$photoimage->Resize(geometry=>'140x140^', blur=>0.8);
# write ready thumbnail as jpg
my $readythumbname="tbn".$PictureIndex.".jpg";
open(READYTHUMB, ">$pic_upload_dir/$readythumbname") or die "Unable to write ready image file!\n";
$photoimage->Write(file=>\*READYTHUMB, filename=>$readythumbname);
system("chmod 777 $pic_upload_dir/$readythumbname");
# delete temporary file
unlink($temporary_file) == 0;