I've started to explore NetMQ and ran into an issue with the use of Poller.
I try to achieve that the poller polls for about 1s and then stops and allows something else to be done before it resumes polling for 1s and so on.
I have the following code:
var poller = new Poller (client) { PollTimeout = 10 };
while (true)
for (var poll = 0; poll < 100; poll++)
poller.PollOnce ();
The problem I'm facing is that during that polling period the Client.ReceiveReady event is not fired even though a message is ready to be picked up. And a InvalidOperationException
stating Poller is started
is raised.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
First try to work with version, it fixes a lot of issues, probably also the one you are suffering from.
Also regarding the do_something, I suggest working with NetMQTimer instead of PollOnce (use PollTillCanceled instead). You can also use NetMQScheduler for the do something stuff.