
from python 32 bits to python 64 bits

I have some doubts about how to do that, I hope anybody can point me in the correct direction.

My current situation is that I am working with the python package Python(x,y) 32 bits in a Windows machine with 64 bits. And, as many of you know, I am having some problems with the Memory error.

So that I am thinking about changing to 64-bits, let's say with Anaconda for example.

My concern is about what can happen with all the previous job done with python 2.7 with 32 bits. Will it work with Anaconda 64?.

And, if finally I change to Anaconda 64, I really don't think I can still use QtDesigner anymore, if I am not wrong, it only works with python 32, right?.

Sorry If any question sound very basic, I really do not have any idea about that.


  • You'll need to reinstall everything for the 64-bit Python, but note that Anaconda and conda may already come with everything that you need.