
Fill a form with saved cookies

I have an action class that saves my cookies like this:

public String execute() {

    // Save to cookie
      Cookie name = new Cookie("name", userInfo.getName() );
      name.setMaxAge(60*60*24*365); // Make the cookie last a year!

If I submit my form, I can see the cookies on the browser that has been created and saved. When the user submits, they get redirected to a new page, a page with all the stored information that they just created.

I want the user to be able to go back to the submit page and see all the information in the forms that they just submitted. Is it possible to do this with Struts2, by using the saved Cookies and get the form to fill in with the old data?

This is my form:

        tooltip="Enter your Name here"/>


  • To send cookie you can use a cookie-provider interceptor. It allows you to populate cookies in the action via implementing CookieProvider. To apply this interceptor to the action configuration you can override the interceptors config

    <action ... >
      <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
      <interceptor-ref name="cookieProvider"/>

    The CookieProvider has a method to implement,

    public class MyAction extends ActionSupport implements CookieProvider {
        public Set<Cookie> getCookies(){
          Set<Cookie> cookies = new HashSet<>();
          Cookie name = new Cookie("name", userInfo.getName() );
          name.setMaxAge(60*60*24*365); // Make the cookie last a year!
          name.setPath("/"); //Make it at root.
          return cookies;

    In the form

    <s:set var="name">${cookie["name"].value}</s:set>
            tooltip="Enter your Name here"/>