I am using Happstack, and I am trying to upload a photograph to Facebook using the Facebook Graph API.
I can successfully post a message to Facebook. I can use url
, however I am trying to do this with the source
I have a ByteString of PNG data, but I can't seem to pass it along to Facebook.
I am using the fb Haskell library.
The functions that I have created to do this are:
performPost :: String -> IO Response
performPost code = do
x <- BS.readFile "test.png"
performFBAction $ do
postToFB (BS.unpack x) code =<< getToken url2 code
return $ toResponse postFB
postToFB :: (MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => String -> String -> FB.UserAccessToken -> FB.FacebookT FB.Auth m FB.Id
postToFB dataString code token = FB.postObject "me/photos" [args "message" "Test Post Pls Ignore",
args "source" dataString] token
The error that I receive is:
The error was "StatusCodeException (Status {statusCode = 400, statusMessage = "Bad Request"}) [("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8"),("Date","Thu, 29 Jan 2015 05:06:00 GMT"),("Connection","close"),("Content-Length","3121")] (CJ {expose = []})
What am I doing wrong? The Graph API states that the source
parameter should be of type form data, but I have so far been unsuccessful in trying to convert it to such.
Please check whether the photo's content is encoded correctly. It need to be multipart/form-data
as stated on