I'd like to call the URL for my Magento store's skin for the purpose of loading an image. I've read that you can use <?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/ sampleimage.gif', array('_secure'=>true)) ?>
, but I get a "Call to undefined method" by using that. I've tried looking for a Mage::getModel
version of this method, but I can't find it.
I did find Alan Storm's article, which got me most of the way there: http://alanstorm.com/magento_base_directories. Alan says I can use Mage::getBaseDir(‘skin’)
, and I've found Mage::getSingleton('core/design_package')->getPackageName()
. I can't find a way to get the last part of the skin directory. If my current skin was /skin/frontend/base/default/
I've so far got it to /skin/frontend/base/
, I just need to be able to get Magento to give me the last, /default/
, part of the directory.
I'm hoping that I'm barking up the wrong tree here and that there's a nice Mage::getModel method that I can call, like the $this->getSkinUrl
. Can you help?
You are perfectly right in your assomption and the model is Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package
So this do the trick :
echo Mage::getModel('core/design_package')->getSkinUrl();
I did found that this way : I know the function I (or in this case you) are looking for, so I just try to get the file where it is :
grep -Rni 'function getSkinUrl' .
./app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Design/Package.php:482: public function getSkinUrl($file = null, array $params = array())
Great, now I just have to translate the file to its handle so Mage/Core/Model/Design/Package
becomes core/design_package
As discovered during some core lookup in the comments, another way to do it would be simply to use: