
Why does "activator start" fail with "Bad application path"?

I've created an application in Play Framework using activator new.

Upon activator start this application it's giving me the following error:

Bad application path: -Dhttp.port=9000

enter image description here

How to solve the issue?


  • I had the same problem but only after creating a binary distribution using the dist command from the activator when I try to run the play application using the Bat file and add some configuration parameters I go the same error.

    Here is the error I am getting

    Bad application path: -Dhttp.port=9009

    So the way I solve it is by editing the Bat file. I manually add all the configuration parameters into the APP_MAIN_CLASS and before the "play.core.server.NettyServer"

    something like:

    set "APP_MAIN_CLASS= -DapplyEvolutions.default=true -Dhttp.port=9009 play.core.server.NettyServer"