The code which worked before was failing now in for loop after I added enyo.js. I suspect that when I use for(var ls in list)
it loops through even when length is 0. When I put the debugged I found out that it is considering "findIndex" as one of value in list and goes into the loop. I have several places using for with in, I want to find out a best way to filter out "findIndex" or any invalid indexes so that only valid elements go into the loop
for(var ls in list)
var lin = list[ls].rb ;
If you list is an array, just use a regular for
loop. It's generally not a great idea to use with an array for exactly this reason and also because the order isn't guaranteed.
If you must use
use a hasOwnProperty check:
for (var ls in list)
if (list.hasOwnProperty(ls)) {
var lin = list[ls].rb;
// ...
Of course, if you only concern is whether you have an rb
property, you could just test for that:
if (list[ls].rb) {
var lin = list[ls].rb;
Or even:
var lin = list[ls].rb;
if (lin) {
// do whatever you needed to do with lin