
Program unable to add text to JTextArea

I have made a program which makes a GUI called Window() and instructs my Finch robot to follow an object. When I run the program , there is no text added to JTextArea. It should say Please Tap Finch to Activate.

My program tells me that this line is the source of error:

NewOption5.feed.append("Please Tap Finch to Activate!");

Console :

Connecting to Finch...this may take a few seconds...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at NewOption5.ProgramFollow(

at NewOption5.main(

Code :

import edu.cmu.ri.createlab.terk.robot.finch.Finch;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

 public class NewOption5 {

    static JTextArea feed;

    static Finch myFinch = new Finch();

public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Calling Window    
//  myFinch = new Finch();


// Method for creating a GUI

//static Finch myFinch = new Finch();
public static void Window()
  // Create the window
    JFrame x = new JFrame("Finch Mission : Follow an Object!");

 // How the window should be closed

//  Adding a layout manager
    x.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

//  Adding components ( significantly a JTextArea being a feedback box )
    x.add(new JButton("Halt!"));
    x.add(new JButton("Exit"));
    final JTextArea feed = new JTextArea(30,50);
    JScrollPane feedscroll = new JScrollPane(feed);

// Arrange components neatly inside the window

// Making the window visible once Window is called
//  ProgramFollow();

public static void ProgramFollow() {

    // Loop to wait for Finch to be tapped and an obstacle detected in front of the Finch   
    boolean StartProgram;
    NewOption5.feed.append("Please Tap Finch to Activate!");    

    while (StartProgram = true)
    // Sending message to the feedback box
    feed.append("Please Tap Finch to Activate!");   

    // Conditional statement for same thing as mentioned above  

    if (myFinch.isTapped()==true && myFinch.isObstacleLeftSide()==true && myFinch.isObstacleRightSide()==true)
    NewOption5.feed.append("Finch is activated! Object is detected");   
    myFinch.setWheelVelocities(leftVelocity, rightVelocity);

    // Triggers RunAgain to true so the program doesnt stop in one run in order for Finch to move continuosuly

    boolean RunAgain=true;


    // Calling Movement method  for Finch movements


    // Inside while(RunAgain loop , there is a conditional statment which makes the Finch terminate the program after tapping it twice

    if (myFinch.isTapped()==true && myFinch.isTapped()==true)


    // Method for Finch movements

    public static  void Movement()


    if (myFinch.isObstacleLeftSide()==false && myFinch.isObstacleRightSide()==false)


    // send message to the feedback box ("Object is Detected! Following it now!");
    NewOption5.feed.append("Following the Object now!");



    else if (myFinch.isObstacleLeftSide()==true && myFinch.isObstacleRightSide()==false)


    NewOption5.feed.append("Object detected on the left side"); 



    else if (myFinch.isObstacleLeftSide()==false && myFinch.isObstacleRightSide()==true)


    NewOption5.feed.append("Object detected on the right side");



    else if (myFinch.isObstacleLeftSide()==true && myFinch.isObstacleRightSide()==true)


    NewOption5.feed.append("Stopped now");  




    // Area of variables declaration for easy value modifications

    static int Buzz = 340;
    static int BuzzDuration = 10;

    static int red = 255;
    static int green = 255;

    static int leftVelocity = 100;
    static int rightVelocity = 100;

    static int leftTurnV = -50;
    static int rightTurnV = -50;;

    // Area of variables declaration for easy value modifications

    public static void StraightMovement()


    myFinch.setLED(0, green, 0);

    myFinch.setWheelVelocities(leftVelocity, rightVelocity);, BuzzDuration);


    public static void LeftMovement()


    myFinch.setLED(0, green, 0);

    myFinch.setWheelVelocities(leftTurnV, rightVelocity);, BuzzDuration);


    public static void RightMovement()


    myFinch.setLED(0, green, 0);

    myFinch.setWheelVelocities(leftVelocity, rightTurnV);, BuzzDuration);


    public static void StopMovement()


    myFinch.setLED(red, 0 , 0);

    myFinch.stopWheels();, BuzzDuration);




  • You do not initialize feed correctly.

    final JTextArea feed = new JTextArea(30,50); This does not initialize the field feed but instead creates a new local variable of the same name.

    Try turning final JTextArea feed = new JTextArea(30,50); into feed = new JTextArea(30,50);.