Change mvc bundles fingerprinting

Is there a possibility how to change the way how System.Web.Optimization renders bundles?


<script src="/bundles/js/bundlename?v=GMFuN8gzKMcwk5BwaMfgjUlieAXKThyQd8twrVplJ8A1"></script>

To something custom like this:

<script src="/bundles/js/v-GMFuN8gzKMcwk5BwaMfgjUlieAXKThyQd8twrVplJ8A1/bundlename"></script>

UPDATE: Not ideal but small nasty workaround:

public static class BundlesHelper
        public static IHtmlString RenderScripts(params string[] paths)
            #if DEBUG
            return System.Web.Optimization.Scripts.Render(paths);

            // Get raw string
            var rawString = System.Web.Optimization.Scripts.Render(paths).ToHtmlString();

            // Get version value
            var version = Regex.Match(rawString, @"\?v=([0-9a-zA-Z_-])+").Value;

            // Remove old hash
            rawString = rawString.Replace(version, "");

            // Remove script end tag
            rawString = rawString.Replace("</script>", "");

            // Get last index of "/"
            var index = rawString.LastIndexOf('/');

            // Return new string
            return new HtmlString(rawString.Insert(index, "/v-" + version.Replace("?v=", "")) + "</script>");


  • No. That's not the point. The query string portion is a cache buster. The file is located where the script src says it is, and that doesn't change. In your desired version the actual physical location of the file would have to change.