
MATLAB - EEGLAB: surpress GUI for pop_eegfiltnew()

I am working on some scripts for which I use several functions from the EEGLAB package for matlab. Most of these functions make it possible to surpress the GUI from showing, for example using f( ... 'gui','off'), or by using a different version of the same function. However, I can not figure out how to do this for the function pop_eegfiltnew(). Two similar functions are eegfilt(), which seems to be an outdated version of the function, and firfilt() however, pop_eegfiltnew() has more arguments than these other two, so they are certainly not the same in functional terms.

Anyone knows how to get around this?


  • If you supply enough arguments to pop_eegfiltnew it does not pop up a GUI.
    For example if you wanted to filter your signal 1 Hz highpass you would:

     EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 1, 0);

    This is because the first argument of pop_eegfilt is EEG structure, the second is locutoff (lower edge of the passband) and the third is hicutoff (higher edge of the passband).