
How to Install and Use TkDnD with Python Tkinter on OSX?

I've spent some time to search for workable solution to do Drag and Drop behavior with Python Tkinter on OSX platform, and the most possible solution found is TkDnD library.

However I cannot find any manual or guide about the installation and basically no sample on OSX. Can anyone share their experience with me?

Furthermore, is it not a good choice to use Tkinter as a GUI solution? My users are all OSX platform and Python is preinstalled on all these machines. Any good suggestion to find a native GUI support without additional installation? PyQT seems to be another choice, but not sure if it requires the additional installation on Client machine.


  • I spent a few days to figured out how to install TkDnD lib, although it sounds like an easy question but did confused me a little while.

    Two ways to install TkDnD on OSX: A. Copy to /System/Library/Tcl/8.x: OSX preinstalled Python already, and this is the path where Tcl library is installed. TkDnd lib will be loaded automatically while using Tk/Tcl lib.

    B. Set os.environ['TKDND_LIBRARY'] to the location of TkDnd2.x.dylib: Sample code:

    if sys.platform == 'win32':
       if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
          os.environ['TKDND_LIBRARY'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'tkdnd2.7')