I am learning Clojure - it's a lot of fun! I am trying to use Incanter and Clojure Soup in the same file:
(require '[jsoup.soup :as soup])
(use '(incanter core stats io charts datasets))
And I get the following error:
CompilerException java.lang.IllegalStateException: $ already refers to: #'jsoup.soup/$ in namespace: user, compiling
I think I understand why, but how can I solve this problem? Appreciate this website and all the gurus on it!
If you only actually use one of the $
functions then you can exclude the other one
(ns myproject.example
(:require [jsoup.soup :as soup]
[incanter [core :refer :all :exclude [$]]
[stats :refer :all]
[io :refer :all]
[charts :refer :all]
[datasets :refer :all]]))
or you can take the approach of explicitly naming the vars you want to refer to in your namespace and explicitly calling the others by namespace-alias/function
, which would look more like this:
(ns myproject.example
(:require [jsoup.soup :as soup]
[incanter [core :refer [$ ... and others here ...]
:as incanter]
[stats :as stats]
[io :as io]
[charts :as charts]
[datasets :as dataset]]))
The use
method of using other namespaces is discouraged in modern clojure code and has been subsumed by the refer form, so I use that form in these examples. It's also strongly encouraged to put the refer forms in the namespace declaration.