
Slick: create query conjunctions/disjunctions dynamically

I'm trying to create a typesafe dynamic DSL for a Slick table but not sure how to achieve this.

Users can post filters to the server by sending filters in form/json format, and I need to build a Slick query with all that.

So basically this means transforming a Scala case class representing my filters to a Slick query.

It seems the "predicates" can have 3 different shapes. I've seen the trait CanBeQueryCondition. Can I fold over these different possible shapes?

I've seen the extension methods && and || and know there is something to do with this but I just don't know how to do.

Basically, I have a list of predicates which takes the following types:

(PatientTable) => Column[Option[Boolean]]


(PatientTable) => Column[Boolean]

The problem to me is that there is not a single supertype for all the 3 different types that have a CanBeQueryCondition, so I don't really know how do fold the predicates with && as once added to the list these differently shaped predicate takes a very generic type List[(PatientTable) => Column[_ >: Boolean with Option[Boolean]]].

Also, I'm not sure about what can be considered a predicate in Slick. A composable predicate seems to be Column[Boolean], but actually the filter method only accept parameters of type (PatientTable) => Column[Boolean]


  • I'm answering my own question with what I've finally built.

    Let's define a simple case class and row mapper

    case class User(
                        id: String = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString,
                        companyScopeId: String,
                        firstName: Option[String] = None,
                        lastName: Option[String] = None
    class UserTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[User](tag,"USER") {
      override def id = column[String]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
      def companyScopeId = column[String]("company_scope_id", O.NotNull)
      def firstName = column[Option[String]]("first_name", O.Nullable)
      def lastName = column[Option[String]]("last_name", O.Nullable)
      def * = (id, companyScopeId, firstName, lastName) <>

    Notion of predicate in Slick

    I assume that the notion of "predicate" is what can be put inside TableQuery.filter. But this type is rather complex as it is a function that takes a Table and returns a type that has an implicit CanBeQueryCondition

    Unfornunately for me there are 3 different types that have a CanBeQueryCondition and putting them in a list to be folded into a single predicate seems not easy (ie filter is easy to apply, but the && and || operators are hard to apply (as far as I've tried)). But fortunately it seems we can convert easily a Boolean to a Colunm[Boolean] to a Column[Option[Boolean]] with the .? extension method.

    So let's define our predicate type:

    type TablePredicate[Item, T <: Table[Item]] = T => Column[Option[Boolean]]

    Folding a list of predicates (ie using conjunctions/disjunctions, ie composing AND and OR clauses)

    Now we only have one type so we can easily fold a list of predicates into a single

      // A predicate that never filter the result
      def matchAll[Item, T <: Table[Item]]: TablePredicate[Item,T] = { table: T => LiteralColumn(1) === LiteralColumn(1) }
      // A predicate that always filter the result
      def matchNone[Item, T <: Table[Item]]: TablePredicate[Item,T] = { table: T => LiteralColumn(1) =!= LiteralColumn(1) }
      def conjunction[Item, T <: Table[Item]](predicates: TraversableOnce[TablePredicate[Item, T]]): TablePredicate[Item,T]  = {
        if ( predicates.isEmpty ) matchAll[Item,T]
        else {
          predicates.reduce { (predicate1, predicate2) => table: T =>
            predicate1(table) && predicate2(table)
      def disjunction[Item, T <: Table[Item]](predicates: TraversableOnce[TablePredicate[Item, T]]): TablePredicate[Item,T] = {
        if ( predicates.isEmpty ) matchNone[Item,T]
        else {
          predicates.reduce { (predicate1, predicate2) => table: T =>
            predicate1(table) || predicate2(table)

    The dynamic filtering case class

    From these predicate primitives we can start creating our dynamic, composable and typesafe query DSL based on a case class.

    case class UserFilters(
                               companyScopeIds: Option[Set[String]] = None,
                               firstNames: Option[Set[String]] = None,
                               lastNames: Option[Set[String]] = None
                               ) {
      type UserPredicate = TablePredicate[User,UserTable]
      def withFirstNames(firstNames: Set[String]): UserFilters = this.copy(firstNames = Some(firstNames))
      def withFirstNames(firstNames: String*): UserFilters = withFirstNames(firstNames.toSet)
      def withLastNames(lastNames: Set[String]): UserFilters = this.copy(lastNames = Some(lastNames))
      def withLastNames(lastNames: String*): UserFilters = withLastNames(lastNames.toSet)
      def withCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds: Set[String]): UserFilters = this.copy(companyScopeIds = Some(companyScopeIds))
      def withCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds: String*): UserFilters = withCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds.toSet)
      private def filterByFirstNames(firstNames: Set[String]): UserPredicate = { table: UserTable => table.firstName inSet firstNames }
      private def filterByLastNames(lastNames: Set[String]): UserPredicate = { table: UserTable => table.lastName inSet lastNames }
      private def filterByCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds: Set[String]): UserPredicate = { table: UserTable => (table.companyScopeId.? inSet companyScopeIds) }
      def predicate: UserPredicate = {
        // Build the list of predicate options (because filters are actually optional)
        val optionalPredicates: List[Option[UserPredicate]] = List(

        // Filter the list to remove None's
        val predicates: List[UserPredicate] = optionalPredicates.flatten
        // By default, create a conjunction (AND) of the predicates of the represented by this case class

    Notice the usage of .? for the companyScopeId field which permits to fit a non-optional column to our definition of a Slick predicate

    Using the DSL

    val Users = TableQuery(new UserTable(_))
    val filter1 = UserFilters().withLastNames("lorber","silhol").withFirstName("robert")
    val filter2 = UserFilters().withFirstName("sebastien")
    val filter = disjunction[User,UserTable](Set(filter1.predicate,filter2.predicate))
    val users = Users.filter(filter.predicate).list
    // results in 
    // ( last_name in ("lorber","silhol") AND first_name in ("robert") ) 
    // OR 
    // ( first_name in ("sebastien") )


    This is far from being perfect but is a first draft and at least can give you some inspiration :) I would like Slick to make it easier to build such things that are very common in other query DSL (like Hibernate/JPA Criteria API)

    See also this Gist for up-to-date solutions