
Generating list of iterations on own output in Python

Sorry for what seems like a basic question, but I could not find it anywhere. In Python 2, I would like to apply a 1-variable function to its own output storing the list of all steps, i.e. if f(x) returns x*x then iterating from 2, i need to get

[2, 4, 16, 256, 65536, ...]

Ideally, I would need to pass in my function f, the first input 1, and the number of iterations I would like to keep.

I guess this is, in some sense, the opposite of reduce and somewhat similar to unfold from functional programming.

A naive way to do this is to write

out = [2] for x in xrange(5): out.append(f(out[-1]))

What is a good Pythonic way to do this? Thank you very much.


  • What you need is a "Generator". For example,

    def f(x, n):
        for _ in range(n):
            yield x
            x = x * x
    l = list(f(2, 5))
    print(l)             # [2, 4, 16, 256, 65536]


    def f(x):
        while True:
            yield x
            x = x * x
    for v in f(2):
        if v > 100000:
        print(v),        # 2 4 16 256 65536