
How do I remove ActiveRecord from an existing Rails 4 Application?

I started off a Ruby on Rails Project which includes a simple recommender system with ActiveRecord and Neography. Now I found out about neo4j.rb, which is going to simplify my life by a lot. :-)

I learned by now, that I could create a new Application without ActiveRecord as follows:

rails new xyz -O

I could do that and copy paste most of my files / code into that new project. Or is there an easier way?

I am still thinking about if that step is even necessary. Is it possible to use both neo4j.rb and ActiveRecord in parallel? I am thinking of running the authentication system (e.g. Devise) with ActiveRecord and my recommender system in neo4j. Does anyone have experiences with such an approach?


  • Follow these steps

    1. Remove database adapter gems from your Gemfile, e.g., mysql2, sqlite3, etc

    2. From application.rb, remove require 'rails/all' and require frameworks (among those available in your rails version, the list varies, do not just copy) you want to use, for example:

      require "action_controller/railtie"
      require "action_mailer/railtie"
      require "sprockets/railtie"
      require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
    3. Delete database.yml, schema.rb and all the migrations

    4. Delete migration checks from test/test_helper.rb
    5. Delete all activerecord related configuration from config/environments

    Hope this helps!

    Source - Disable ActiveRecord for Rails 4