
How can I specify the package name when launching a Lisp program from the command line?

I'm calling a Lisp function (and a few other thing) from a shell script. For brevity, below is relevant part of the script :

./gcl -load /tmp/ -batch -eval '(format T "~a" (CC3::sunset (CC3::fixed-from-gregorian (CC3::gregorian-date 1996 CC3::february 25)) CC3::jerusalem))' 728714.7349874675

The above code works fine but I had to append the package name CC3 for every symbol that is used; which makes the code unwieldy and hard to type.

I tried to simplify it like so, using use-package :

./gcl -load /tmp/ -batch -eval '(format T "~a" (use-package "CC3") (sunset (fixed-from-gregorian (gregorian-date 1996 february 25)) jerusalem))'

Much easier to read and type, but unfortunately it doesn't work. I've tried all sorts of ways to include the use-package directive but so far no success.

Is it even possible to include a use-package directive while launching a Lisp program via the GNU Common Lisp's (gcl) load directive?

Update: The solution is to use multiple evals as suggested by the accepted answer.

./gcl -load /tmp/ -batch -eval '(use-package "CC3")' -eval '(format T "~a" (sunset (fixed-from-gregorian (gregorian-date 1996 february 25)) jerusalem))'


  • Maybe you could use multiple eval, here is what I do with sbcl.

    sbcl --noinform \
       --eval '(load "boot.lisp")' \
       --eval '(in-package #:my-pkg)' \
       --eval "(do-something-useful)" # do-something-useful is in my-pkg