
How to exclude Chromecast connection from VPN in Android

Does anyone know how to exclude "Chromecast" connection from VPN in Android? In simple when i connect my android device with Chromecast, the network for it particularly should go through normal route and not via VPN even if it is connected. I know there is no facility to exclude particular IPs in android using split tunnelling but there is a way to exclude it if we know the package name like i do for some of applications. Hence, once if I get the package name or particular IP address of "Chromecast", i can exclude it. Would love to discuss on it with someone who has technically worked on it.

Thanks in advance,


  • If you have full control of the VPN service being used, it is simply a matter of calling addDisallowedApplication when building the VPN Tun interface. You simply supply the package name to the method to exclude it from the VPN.

    If you do not have the package name, the solution would be to add each subnet individually by calling addRoute and exclude reserved networks.

    I was in this exact predicament and by excluding localhost and private networks, I could use Chromecast while using VPN.

    If you are not implementing the VPN service yourself, then I am afraid this answer will not be helpful.